Spring is Coming?
Last week has seen some extreme weather down in Whitstable. We had days of glorious sunshine which enabled Mike and I to take Charlie out for walks along the beach and have his first proper taste of the weather. He was able to sample the sea air and feel the sun on his face, all new experiences for him.
As the week progressed we saw the winds getting stronger and stronger and in Whitstable they really are blusts of biting air which cut through your clothes and leave your ears feeling numb (even with hat firmly planted on head). Sunday was no exception but despite this Mike and I wrapped up, put Charlie in his buggy, swaddled in several balnkets and headed out for a mothers day walk. The day was beautifully sunny even with the wind and when we reached the beach, the sea was at it most frantic. Waves crashing across the breakwater and rolling up the beach at a fast pace. The spring tides had arrived. I love it when the sea is like this, dramatic and exciting. It always makes me feel like squealing.
And then came the snow.........