Preparing for Snowboarding - stage 2
This Sunday we had my brother Jon, his wife Jo, friends Rob and Marianne with their 2 kids George and Frank over for lunch. The dinner invite was two-fold, partly to celebrate Jon's birthday and also to make some final plans for our snowboarding trip this week as we are all staying in a chalet together. Mike and I cooked a fabulous beef casserole followed by scrummy Eton Mess. Charlie was in his element with his new found friends aged 2 and 5 and followed them around everywhere wanting everything they had. As it was such a beautiful day, after lunch we went for a walk on the beach and Rob produced several skateboards he had secured in the boot of his car. One was custom made by himself, long enough to lay a small child on and that's exactly what he did. So 2 year old Frank laid face down on the board as Rob pushed him up our road towards the path across the golf course. George was off on his own board and Jon was reliving his childhood on the third one. As expected it all ended in tears as Franks board went one way and his face did a spectacular grind along the road. Despite the injury he picked himself up and after a cuddle with his mum was soon back on. By this point we had reached the golf course path which has a slope and there we stopped to launch Frank and George down the hill this time without injuries. Rob was on a roll and spied another slope which headed on to the actual course itself and was soon speeding down it himself only to hit grass and in another spectacular fashion fell coating himself with mud. Not one to missing out Charlie had his own turn of perfecting his stance on the board and we could already see the potential in him. We eventually made it to the beach and let Charlie had a trot about on the pebbles, tasting a few here and there and as if not to be left out again, did a spectacular nose dive onto the shingle with bread stick in mouth. A small amount of blood shed and a few tears later and he was soon back on his feet. By this time the sun had set and it was getting cold so we hot footed it back to the house for a lovely cup of tea. Bring on the snow.