Seaside Life

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Camping - part 2

Our second camping trip this time was a very wet and a very windy affair. So much so that we had to abandon the tent after the first night. Mike and I were awake all night listening to the rain battering across the tent and the wind blowing the sides in and the tent pegs out. The light that we had rigged up was swaying across the ceiling like a scene out of Jaws and the noise was quite incredible. I awoke in a very bad mood the next day shouting many many expletives and repeatedly saying we should have gone to Spain.
However, a log cabin on the sister campsite was a welcome relief and we soon had packed up the tent in the small window of dry weather and headed off to our compact chalet. We did manage to see most of the new forest, the horses and ponies although it was in the rain and so most of the pubs too. It is a very beautiful part of the south and even in torrential rain we could still appreciate the chocolate box thatched cottages with horse roaming all over the villages. Wet through most days we came back to a warm cabin and were able to make use of the campsite facilities and swam in the pool and cleansed ourselves in the steam room. The next camping trip will definitely be abroad.