Seaside Life

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Charlies Christening

Sunday we celebrated a very special day for our gorgeous son, it was Charlies Baptism. The service took place at our local church but instead of the vicar taking the ceremony, we asked the Reverend Paul Kirby, Hospital Chaplin at the William Harvey Hospital, Ashford. It was a great privilege for Paul to take the service as he had been with us the day that Ruby was born and had baptised her and also performed her funeral service and so we thought only fitting that he was there to welcome our son into the world. The service was very emotional for Mike and I as it symbolised such a happy occasion for us and by having Paul there made us feel that Ruby was also part of it too. We chose our dear friends Charlie and Spencer and neighbour Becks to be God Parents and Charlie was so well behaved. In fact he loved the water being poured over his head and lay back very willingly with a little smile on his face.

Afterwards we had a big party back at our house with champagne and a cream tea of homemade scones, clotted cream, jam and a selection of fabulously indulgent cakes. Instead of a Christening cake I made a tower of iced cupcakes which were very quickly snapped up by all the kids the moment they got through the door.

Charlie was a very lucky boy and received some wonderful gifts including a silver compass from Tiffany's, a train spelling out his name, a pewter half pint tankard with his name engraved on it, an a amazing book of parents memories, the donation of a teacher to the third world plus a large sum of money to buy some premium bonds.

It was a fantastic and emotional day and one that we had been waiting to celebrate for so long and we were very proud of our lovely boy.


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