Seaside Life

Sunday, May 10, 2009

At last the sun...

At long last we have had some consistant weeks of sunshine and good weather and over those weeks we have been out and about doing various things. Last weekend, Mike and my brother headed off with a group on a cycle ride across Kent starting in Medway and ending at campsite in Wye near Ashford. Whilst on route, Jo and I took Charlie to feed the ducks and headed off to the campsite to make a start on preparation for the BBQ. It was a gorgeous day and the field was full of kids running about and having a great time. All the men arrived back after a couple of hours of off road cycling to some cool beers and a sausage or 2.
The beach hut has been dusted down and aired and we have been down there making the most of sunny afternoons and evenings and Charlie has enjoyed having his dinner picnic style, usually consisting of quiche and falafals (his current favourite). Now he wants to walk everywhere, what should have taken 10 minutes to whizz home with the buggy turned out to be nearly an hours meandering across the golf course saying hello to every bumble bee we came across (and there were many) We also had our first BBQ at home last weekend and grilled some gorgeously fresh asparagus also enjoyed by Charlie (his other current favourite) Hopefully this good weather will be here to stay so we can get out into the garden and down the beach as much as possible.


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