Seaside Life

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pedigree Cats

We spent this weekend at my brothers house in Tunbridge Wells. Saturday afternoon was spent browsing round the most fabulous toy shop that cannot fail to impress any adult let alone any child. We purchased an amazing mini red guitar for Charlie as he has become obsessed with Mikes and anyone else guitars, constantly gesturing towards them, arms held up wanting me to take him to them. He seems to have already mastered the strumming technique and will carefully swipe his hand across the strings almost melodically if you really image hard. So this cute little red guitar was the perfect Christmas present for our budding young musician.

After settling Charlie in bed we tucked into a sumptuous roast beef dinner, expertly cooked by Jon and after several glasses of wine we got onto the subject of cats. Mike and I had seen the most gorgeous one lolling around on the beach the other day. What was striking about this cat was it was huge and very lion like in its appearance. So that set Jon off on a mission to find out what this breed was. We discovered it was a Maine Coon and was indeed a giant breed (see pic). And so the evening progressed into a cat googling time trawling through the internet and laughing hysterically and childishly at some of the most ridiculous breeds ever seen. A very good weekend.


  • At 8:31 AM, Blogger Bob said…

    Tay & I are having two of those, and two Norwegian Forest cats!


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