Seaside Life

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Parties and Pottys

Over the last couple of weeks we have been socialising and enjoying the wonderful sunny september days that we have been lucky to have over the weekends. The bank holiday was packed full of social events. Charlie and I had a trip to the Isle of Sheppey to stay with my friend Michelle and sons Max and Freddie at their newly built house for the night. The boys had a great time playing together and once in bed Michelle and I had a great evening consuming wine and chatting until late. In the morning we walked down the quiet country lane where they live to feed apples to the horses and watch tractors chug up and down, it was a blissful start to the day.

Sunday I hosted a BBQ for my new niece Stella and we had a garden full of friends and family to celebrate her arrival and welcome her to Whitstable. It was such a lovely day and great to meet friends of Jon and Jo's and catch up with Rob and Marianne. Charlie, having spent the previous night vomiting several times and going through several changes of duvet and pyjamas woke feeling somewhat subdued but was raring to go at the sight of his snowboarding pals George and Frank and wasn't seen for much of the day.

Monday was spent on beach fishing for crabs and seahorses (my son is incredibly ambitious) followed by an indulgent whirly whip ice cream complete with flake watching the tourists in Whitstable walk by. Dinner in the Pizza parlour and a sneaky beer on the beach saw the end to such a brilliant weekend.

Last weekend was the moment of truth and the start of Charlies potty training. With bribery of chocolate buttons and constant seating onto the potty he soon got the hang of it and is very proud to be wearing pants. I am sure that it wont be plain sailing completely and am armed with my new going out kit of portable potty, spare pants, trousers, shoes, wipes........and of course chocolate buttons.

My friend Natalie came over for coffee Saturday and her son Morgan is already well trained in the potty area offered just the right amount of peer pressure for Charlie who already is attempting to do a wee with 'bubbles in it like Morgan' whatever that is......?


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