Seaside Life

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cousins and Castles (again)

The other weekend Charlie had his first real opportunity to get properly acquainted with his new cousin Stella. We went to my parents house and met Jo and the baby and Charlie had a chance to really take a good look at her and give her a kiss, a cuddle and a custard cream. He asked if he could hold her, so we sat him on the carpet and he carefully held Stella on his lap and then to my great horror and surprise did a judo throw like maneuver and launched her onto the carpet once he had finished his cuddles. Stella was not amused and I leaped to her rescue feeling rather anxious and concerned. Needless to say she was fine, thanks to my mums deep pile carpets....
The next day we had a girls and kids day out at Bodiam Castle. Paula and I had planned to go camping for the weekend but due to a number of obstacles in our way we decided against it and just went for the day. We had brilliant day out, a great picnic in the grounds whilst fending off the ducks and the weather was glorious. The kids had a fantastic time in the castle and there were various people dressed up in Medieval costumes doing talks and demonstrations. The cookery one was brilliant and Finn, Lyra and Charlie thought it was great and all took turns stirring the big pot of stew. After ice creams in the cafe we took a leisurely drive home listening to the children giggling in the back of the car reliving the ghosts and monsters they had seen.


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